Once Upon A Time

I recently wrote this poem for the guy I've been seeing. Our relationship was never serious until after I wrote this for him. He was so touched after reading it that he cried!! That was probably the best night of my life 
Once upon a time
Without a reason or a rhyme
I met a man who stole my heart
I should have known it from the start.

It became hard to pretend
That we could merely just be friends
For when I looked into his eyes
I always lifted my disguise.

One day it surely seemed
That this is always what we've dreamed
And somewhere deep inside
We could no longer hide.

It started with a kiss
Which was definitely bliss
Could it really be
This man has taken hold of me?

We carried on this way
Until eventually one day
I told him how I felt
I almost thought my heart would melt.

I'm not exactly sure
Of what God has in store
But I know this much is true
Baby, I'm crazy about you.

You opened up in me
Another side I couldn't see
You can steal my heart away
I'd hand it over any day.

Maybe some day soon
In the soft light of the moon
I can steal your breath away
There'd be no more words to say.

Because I want to make you mine
I don't want to wait inline
I want to give the world to you
Don't want to be your number two.

I'd rather wait and see
If this insanity in me
Will ever make me die
Because I just can't say goodbye.

I need you by my side.
Let me take you for a ride.
I'll love you until forever,
The time is now or never...

This poem is about a girl whom my heart fell in love with, but sadness filled my heart for I can't even had the right time and a chance to tell this things I have felt for her, to tell her that I love her so much. So I just made this poem to reduce the sadness that I feel right now..Coz even I always pray at night each time I lay, seems chances for me was so hard to find.. but I really love this girl..

Poem About A Girl

I’ve known a girl, who made me think
Who sometimes wear, a shirt in pink
Through her style, and the way she smile
She caught my heart, in just a while

Through her picture, I looked at her
The things I feel, gets stronger
I tried to turn my sight, on the other direction
But a picture of her face, was always on my illusion

I don’t even know, how could this happen in me
But I know that it’s real, not fake or fantasy
I found a girl, who sets something in me
That I can’t really explain, as far as I could see

As I close my, when I lay at night
She’s the only one, who were always on my sight
If only I had, a right time and a chance
I’ll tell my love, for her with a glance

But sadness I think, was there to fill my heart
Coz chances was hard to find, and still were apart
I don’t even had time, to hold her near
To whisper my love, I feel to her ear

Now how could I tell, these things I feel
And show to her, my love is real
If I can’t reach her, coz the way’s unclear
For guys like me, to her we're near

Each night I lay, in God I pray
To give me chance, and find her way
Wishing each time, with me she stay
Coz every time I see her, all my worries fades away

But if chances and time, will never be mine
Through the pen in my hand, I’ll wrote on each line
To tell this story, through a poem in my mind
About a pretty girl, who really I liked to find

A girl who’s name is written in a song
Entitled “the painter”, which I sing all along
A girl whom my heart, really fell in love
Brighter than the stars, from the sky up above

Now I’ll take time, to end this story
About a girl, who made me think in a day
I’ll just hope and pray, wishing that someday
A time will come, and cross our way

This is the poem that I wrote 4 years ago when I fell in love with a very sweet and loving man beyond my expectation. He is the dearest person and fond to be with....this feeling makes my brain work and formulate such words in this poem.

Dearest Fond

I shower you with my love
And all the happiness above
A velvet hope of a perfect love
Like a pretty and pure white dove

Singing songs with soft melodies
With all the lyrics of love and happiness
Unspoken love like lilies
I will treasure in my memories.

A sweet and hollowed memory
Will find joy and share happily
Clothed with trust and faith so deeply
And two hearts are united totally.

With faith, trust and understanding
Eclipsed hearts are overwhelming
Feel the warm brilliant feeling,
Is the moment of lovers true meaning.

One word one love exchanging heart bonds
Symbol of true love upon their hands
Even in miles away in different lands
Together love is our dearest fond.


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