The Munition of Goodbye

The Munition of Goodbye

Son, when kissing her
felt like holding a knife
with your teeth, do not ask
for a refund of the blood
you’ve already swallowed.

When your mother hisses
the lit fuse of her name,
do not smother it with
“you don’t understand”
shell games.

When you awake from a night
of heaving clogged syllables,
you will find this under your pillow:
“love should never be something
you have to survive.”

What Is Love

© Ashley Batista
Love can make me but will never break me...
Love has its ups and downs
Its rights and wrongs
Its sadness and happiness
But one thing about Love is it's never unsure...
Love is strong, committed, and overwhelming...
Love is a bond that holds people together,
whether it be family, friends, boyfriend or girlfriend.....
Love builds you up to be a stronger person, a better person at times...
Love is unforgettable.....
Love holds so many things....
The question is...
Are you willing to give it a chance?
A chance to get to know it....
to bond with it....
to struggle with it....
I know I would....
Love is not always a burden...
It's also a blessing....

The Lovely Man

© Megan Best
When touching you I cannot breathe,
Want to pull you so close and push you away all at once,
I feel you are dangerous to me,
Your mind with mine,
feeling you every where I go you are with me
Can see the blood pumping in your veins when you touch me
I am longing for you, watching you with big eyes.
You hold up a wall you are like poison to me I feel your every thought
Are strong and unknown to me
It so intense I am scared of what I will do to you or you will do to me if we become to close.
I find you somewhat interesting but I don't know why,
Your every touch leaving my body satisfied within.
I know how to seduce you I feel your mind you to are playing with mine,
I am exhausted from our thoughts I cannot sleep at night for I am feeling you feeling me

I Dream Of You!!

© David Yearwood
When I fell in love, my heart was on fire,
To be with you, was my only desire.
Loving you, is all I want to do,
A lifetime of promises, a world of dreams.

For only my heart, knows what it means,
I promise you, it won’t be wrong.
One love, two hearts, we will make it right,
And now I'm lost, deep in your love.

Honey, when I’m alone you’re the one I miss,
your sweet tender love, is hard to resist.
Looking upon the stars, wishing with all my might,
Hoping someday, we'll be side-by-side!
I wrote this poem to show that when you are young you can spend your summer with your other half, life seems like bliss. That is how I spent my summer. Hope others can relate to my experiences, Niamh x


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