What Is Love?

What Is Love?

Love Is:
Being common
No jealousy
There are many ways to describe love, 
but the biggest one of all is showing who you are and caring for that special someone.

There is such thing as love at first sight. Many don't believe it but its' true. And don't be surprised if it happens to you!

In Love With A Stranger

It didn't take long to realize how it would be
so tender, so real, just the guy for me
he grabbed my hand and took me by surprise
he looked into my eyes like no other guy
he saw my soul, he heard my heart
I knew we had it since the start
I tried to find at least one flaw
but it didn't work, he had it all
he looked into my eyes and that was my weakness
he stared some more and left me speechless
he touched my face
and everything seemed to have fallen in its place
I didn't know but it happened to be
that I was in love with a stranger to me
but yet it felt like I knew him from the start
because his eyes shined through the dark
I fell in love with a stranger I had only met
yet a stranger I will never forget
I wrote this poem because me and my baby has been together for 2 years and this is how I feel about her she is my heart and will always be my heart no matter what. This poem is for all the relationships that are real and actually takes the time out and pays attention to their mate. I love you sweeta

Only You N Me

So many things I can say
So many things I can do
So many things I can feel
But nothing will compare to me and you

My words will never explain what I really feel
My thoughts that come to my mind..
still can't explain.
My heart can explain but can't put the words together

Two years together I know its short compared to others
but these two years together was made for each other
Everytime I see you I get butterflies
everytime I see you tears come to my eyes

You are my one and only nobody will compare
Let our hearts join as one
Let our soul combine
Let our minds wonder through this beautiful love life

So as we pray to God and ask him for guidance
Lets not be like other couples and relate to violence
I love you sweeta and you have my heart
Cant nothing or no one tear us apart

This love is so real
This love is so pure
This love is so Romantic
This love is with so much loyalty
you know why......

because it only YOU N ME


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