You And I

You And I

When you look up to the stars
Does your mind race like mine?
Asking silently, as your mind races violently,
"How can this be?
How lucky we are, together forever, you and me."

Seeing, smelling, feeling your touch.
Keeps my heart beating, you are my crutch
That keeps my soul steady and my mind in the clouds
Thinking of seeing you in all of these crowds.
Pushing and passing to find you my dear.
To hold you, to feel you and lose all fear.

Hoping you're sleeping steady and dreaming sweet
Of one day soon that we shall be, Together again
You and I.
Holding hands and locking eyes
Our lips will touch, on our wedding day and there will be no goodbyes.
No vows shall be broken, until our dying day.

Our family will be stable, and loved more each day
Holding our child as we ride on a sleigh.
Through the fields and daisies and tall warm grass
Our lives will be perfect, and will never pass
Only time is what we have to keep us together.
Keeping our promises, and holding on Forever.

When our time comes, to pass on by
We will both remember.
How lucky we are to have
Just You and I.

To Your Heart Be True

The wheels in your mind spin at blinding speeds
The gears they burn hot as assumption you feed

You calculate an process at a dangerous rate
You look right past what could have been fate

It's hard to change ways you've all but pre-set
Head long on a fast track to pain and regret

So do one favor for yourself if you can
Slow down your logic an take a look at this man

Don't judge this books cover or try to contest
Because I follow this heart that beats in my chest

Cast logic aside and for once just confide
And release all the feeling's you've all but denied

And if storm's cloud your thoughts an logic's the same
Take hold of my hand's and will dance in the rain

Don't want you to change or forget what is you
But do me this favor to your heart be true

(It Will Take) Only Time

It will take only time
Fore you to answer back
With a replay that says
I’m on the right track
To being close to you

In my heart is where
You will be found living
Giving me the will to
Carry on with your grace
And your love to give

It will take only time
Fore you to answer back
With a replay that says
I’m on the right track to
Bringing people close to you

In place of worship is
Where you will be found
Living, giving people will to
Carry on with your grace
And your love to give

It will take only time
Fore you to answer back
With a replay that says
I’m on the right track


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