You Take My Breath Away

You Take My Breath Away

You take my breath away every time I see you smile,
For that look, I'd walk the extra mile.
You take my breath away when I hear your sweet voice,
And I am so thankful that you made me your choice.
You take my breath away when you walk into a room,
My heart has been swept away, and you are the broom.
You take my breath away when you whisper my name,
You've shown my happiness and I will never be the same.
You take my breath away when you ask when we will meet,
My love for you is so strong, it will never taste defeat.
You take my breath away with the warmth of your sweet kiss,
Our quiet times together is something I never want to miss.
You take my breath away when you wrap me in your warm embrace,
Your touch is so loving, nothing could ever begin to take its place.
You take my breath away just being so sweet, loving, and true,
But nothing takes my breath away like when you say I Love You!
I can't wait to see how you will keep taking my breath away as we start our new life,
And I know it will be impossible to breathe when you become my wife.

Perfect Moment

Is there such thing
As a perfect moment
When all the stars shine
And all the birds sing

The air is still
And the road is smooth
The red light is over
You stand atop the hill

You see all you can see
through a guiding light
You sit and listen
To be all you can be

We all want to be content
And as you walk towards me
I experience
The perfect moment

I Am Totally In Love With You!

The first time you placed your hands through mine
I knew you were special
I thought what I felt was nothing but the usual

But we became friends
and talked about lots of things
And I found out that we have
in common many things

Days had passed
we became closer
As if there's no one
would part us further

I'm afraid to love you,
I'm afraid to kiss you,
But my heart was saying
I am totally in love with You!


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