
Showing posts from September, 2019

You Take My Breath Away

You Take My Breath Away You take my breath away every time I see you smile, For that look, I'd walk the extra mile. You take my breath away when I hear your sweet voice, And I am so thankful that you made me your choice. You take my breath away when you walk into a room, My heart has been swept away, and you are the broom. You take my breath away when you whisper my name, You've shown my happiness and I will never be the same. You take my breath away when you ask when we will meet, My love for you is so strong, it will never taste defeat. You take my breath away with the warmth of your sweet kiss, Our quiet times together is something I never want to miss. You take my breath away when you wrap me in your warm embrace, Your touch is so loving, nothing could ever begin to take its place. You take my breath away just being so sweet, loving, and true, But nothing takes my breath away like when you say I Love You! I can't wait to see how you will keep tak

Will You...?

Will You...? If I fall, will you catch me? If I cry, will you hold me? If I hurt you, will you ever forgive me? We don't live that far apart, We could see each other everyday if we wanted, But baby that will never happen. If you fall, I will be right there to catch you. If you cry, I will be right there to comfort you. If you hurt me, I will always forgive you. Because I really love you. I fell in love from the moment I laid eyes on you. You are always on my mind. I can't ever stop thinking of you. I always tell my friends about you. Baby, you are the love to my heart, and you are the sun when I wake up in the morning, and you are the moon when I fall asleep at night. You are the stars shining down on me, You are the angels up above me. You are the love of my life, And I hope you feel the same way about me. Because I never want to lose you, I talk to you everyday, and everynight before bed, and when I fall asleep, You are ALWAYS in my dreams. I

Words From My Heart!

Words From My Heart! When I fell in love with you, my heart was on fire, to be with you was my one desire. A lifetime of promises and a world full of dreams, for only my heart knows what it means to me. One love, two hearts, makes us complete, now my love is lost in your heart and soul. Honey when I’m alone, you’re the one I miss. and your sweet tender love, is hard to resist. Looking upon the stars, wishing with all my heart, hoping someday, you will realize this passion I hold inside. Honey it doesn’t cost a dime. It's here waiting for you, I feel truly blessed, this feeling is way down inside. I know this love, will guide me, only to you, that’s how it feels to be in love with you. For thoughts from the heart are here for you, words from my heart, I'll always love you! In My Dreamland (With You) Seeking solace with my pen Flowing all my unspoken words All my thoughts, all my dreams I know my heart will love you until the end. In my dream, I will see you th
Once Upon A Time I recently wrote this poem for the guy I've been seeing. Our relationship was never serious until after I wrote this for him. He was so touched after reading it that he cried!! That was probably the best night of my life  Once upon a time Without a reason or a rhyme I met a man who stole my heart I should have known it from the start. It became hard to pretend That we could merely just be friends For when I looked into his eyes I always lifted my disguise. One day it surely seemed That this is always what we've dreamed And somewhere deep inside We could no longer hide. It started with a kiss Which was definitely bliss Could it really be This man has taken hold of me? We carried on this way Until eventually one day I told him how I felt I almost thought my heart would melt. I'm not exactly sure Of what God has in store But I know this much is true Baby, I'm crazy about you. You opened up in me Another side I couldn't see You can steal my he
Our Love The charm in you smile keeps me thinking Thinking of your touch keeps me up at night When we're together I'm barely blinking You're as important to me as the light Thoughts of our kisses get my heart racing This love is so perfect, it's unreal You get me off track, then I start pacing And when we strife I won't eat a meal After all we've been through you're still so blind I wish you would notice I'm always here Do you know what we have is hard to find When I break down it's more than just a tear I need to know am I wasting my time Or will out hearts be jocund and sublime I wrote this poem because I felt like my boyfriend didn't like me and didn't want to be with me anymore, I thought he was ashamed of being my boyfriend and I wrote it and gave it to him and the next day he held my hand in front of all his friends and the school and told me he loved me. Do You Love Me Like You Say You Do? I love you, Though it see

How Did You Become You?

How Did You Become You? I was looking through poems on this site to identify with, yet I couldn't find one that fit my current emotions. Naturally, I wrote one and am going to immediately post it. This poem is about someone who sort of fades into your life and end up meaning the world to you. You. You are one of those people That so effortlessly slip Into my unsuspecting life. You are one of those people That can go unnoticed at first, Later only to have me wonder; How? How did you embed yourself So thoroughly into my mind? Unnoticed. How? How could I ever not notice you? How could you not be in my thoughts? In my mind? My heart? How did I not see this happening, So quickly, So slowly, So certain, So tedious, So naturally, So irrationally. How did you manage All of these things? You came in and I had Little opinion of you. Just another face. Just another name. Your face changed. Your name changed. They morphed so gradually, So subtly, So beautifully, Into you. Into the yo

What Is Love?

What Is Love? Love Is: Happiness Anger Personality Sympathy Being common No jealousy Smiling Flirting Fighting Sharing and Embarrassment There are many ways to describe love,  but the biggest one of all is showing who you are and caring for that special someone. There is such thing as love at first sight. Many don't believe it but its' true. And don't be surprised if it happens to you! In Love With A Stranger It didn't take long to realize how it would be so tender, so real, just the guy for me he grabbed my hand and took me by surprise he looked into my eyes like no other guy he saw my soul, he heard my heart I knew we had it since the start I tried to find at least one flaw but it didn't work, he had it all he looked into my eyes and that was my weakness he stared some more and left me speechless he touched my face and everything seemed to have fallen in its place I didn't know but it happened to be that I was in love with a stranger t

My Wish, My Dream

My Wish, My Dream I wish I may I hope I might, dream upon my wish tonight. I cannot wake until I see, what my soul would like for me. I need someone more than they know, for with them my heart can glow. I wish I may I hope I might, get my wish... of you tonight. For Ed Maybe you think I keep you like I keep my old shoes because I can't bear to break in new ones but that's not the reason. After all these years you’re still a good fit, still polished to a shine in my eyes. I want to be laced up with you as long as I live To the woman I love, and what happened after she said hello. Because You Said Hello © Martin Pijanowski Because you said hello My heart has been opened, To accept a love from someone I adore. My soul have has been awakened, By a light it has never seen before. Because you said hello I can share a life once relegated to loneliness, Dreams once reserved to fantasy, Thoughts once shared by no one, But finally embraced between you and

Our Summer

Our Summer Summer time is here With laughter and love everywhere Me & you Together under skies of blue With the sun shining up high From routine we bid goodbye Traveling to the fairs Partying where the music blares We walk hand in hand Along the beaches sand The cool water making us screech Heaven is within our reach Full of pleasure we will smile Off to festivals we will go for a while Laughing around a campfire The world is ours to admire Gazing into each others faces Summer brings us to different places The sun shining on our backs Dancing ''till we reach our max Marveling at the sights about Loving without doubt Horse races or market places New memories are being made Ones like these will never fade Happiness ever lasting Summer is the king At beach parties together we will sing Telling stories about the last time Summer was this divine Sun kissed from head to toe From beach to beach we will go Lying out, talking Enjoying it with

The Munition of Goodbye

The Munition of Goodbye Son, when kissing her felt like holding a knife with your teeth, do not ask for a refund of the blood you’ve already swallowed. When your mother hisses the lit fuse of her name, do not smother it with “you don’t understand” shell games. When you awake from a night of heaving clogged syllables, you will find this under your pillow: “love should never be something you have to survive.” What Is Love © Ashley Batista Love can make me but will never break me... Love has its ups and downs Its rights and wrongs Its sadness and happiness But one thing about Love is it's never unsure... Love is strong, committed, and overwhelming... Love is a bond that holds people together, whether it be family, friends, boyfriend or girlfriend..... Love builds you up to be a stronger person, a better person at times... Love is unforgettable..... Love holds so many things.... The question is... Are you willing to give it a chance? A chance to get to know it.... to

Look Forward

Look Forward We look for laughter, happiness and life. Don’t seek a husband, nor a wife. Life alone can be such fun, considering only ever one. One’s own company can grow terse; from tiny cradle to coal-black hearse. Trying to find our own soul-mate, just like waiting at the pearly gate. Yet we seek to ever find love to bring a peace of mind. Long ago, another life. She a husband, he a wife. Issue from the unions grown, one and one and two alone. Her son and daughter bound in love, his two sons from heaven above. Life’s strange journey onward roamed, each parent found themselves alone. These children born of different love, at once apart but not above finding family in the other children of a different mother. Love, look forward; ever on. Happiness and joy for Marie and Ron. These Boys Have Never Really Grown Into Men © Brian Patten These boys have never really grown into men, despite their disguises, despite their adult ways, their sophistication, the camouflage of

To You, I Give All Of Me!

To You, I Give All Of Me! To you I give, all of me, For I believe, you're my destiny. To you I offer, the best of my heart, for I believe, you will value it. I want to share my life with you, for me to show, my love is true. I want to hold you in my arms, Showing you, how love truly feels. Loving you, is what I want to do, although I know, we are apart. Tears in my eyes, you can take away, If I'm with you, that's all I care. For that, to you, I give all of me! Where True Hearts Sleep If there is one thing you should know it's this. All the worlds gone quiet. Your heart beat tuned with mine For in such intangible lands we live To seek a final jubilee. And shower through the past. In present we've defined ourselves longing no more we seek divides where our souls in harmony do ponder such a light we love. For there my darling lay the yonder sought to seek a fitting path forgoing such attunement with the strings we hold so close that in their melodies w

The Moment!

The Moment! The moment is here, we've been waiting for, Planning and hoping for that special day. Thoughts go deeper, our emotions get stronger, Nights are shorter, days are longer. The time is here, to get wrapped in each other, we can't wait to get started, our love as we wanted. The packing, the talking, the excitement is building. we're ready for love, with passion it's coming. This time will be different, much better than ever, Our love must be blended, We're starting out slow. Each moment in time, will be written in stone, my darling I care, I want you to know, I love you so! Our minds are made up, for better we'll be, Our love is for ever, our hearts are together. we will merge as one, body and soul, This day was long coming, it's time to begin! Love Love is what makes a man work for the common good. Love will listen to a lonely heart that cries to be understood. Love always brings comfort when sorrow binds a friend. Love is the ins

A Promise

A Promise I promise my love, to always be here for you To always be your light when all else grows dark To always be your guide when you lose your way To always be your reminder when you lose all hope I promise my love, to always be here for you I promise my love, I will never leave your side You will never wonder where I am I will always be there when you reach for me I will always be here when you need me I promise my love, I will never leave your side I promise my love, I will love you with all that I am I will always kiss you when you least expect it Always look upon you, even when you don't know it Never give up on you, even if you give up on me I promise my love, I will love you with all that I am I promise my love, that I will be everything you need I will be your shoulder to cry on I will be your pillar to lean on I will be your soul mate, now and forever I promise my love, that I will be everything you need I promise my love, that I will be loyal to you Loyal in th

You And I

You And I When you look up to the stars Does your mind race like mine? Asking silently, as your mind races violently, "How can this be? How lucky we are, together forever, you and me." Seeing, smelling, feeling your touch. Keeps my heart beating, you are my crutch That keeps my soul steady and my mind in the clouds Thinking of seeing you in all of these crowds. Pushing and passing to find you my dear. To hold you, to feel you and lose all fear. Hoping you're sleeping steady and dreaming sweet Of one day soon that we shall be, Together again You and I. Holding hands and locking eyes Our lips will touch, on our wedding day and there will be no goodbyes. No vows shall be broken, until our dying day. Our family will be stable, and loved more each day Holding our child as we ride on a sleigh. Through the fields and daisies and tall warm grass Our lives will be perfect, and will never pass Only time is what we have to keep us together. Keeping our promises, and holdin